Welcome to FAD.LY, the best place to find great deals from popular brands. Everyday we'll feature atleast one deal. If it goes out of stock, we'll post up another deal. Enjoy!
Which countries do you support?
We currently only support the US. Keep an eye out for future global expansion.
Who sources the items I see on the site?
We live by a simple rule: If we wouldn't spend our own money on an item, it's not made available on FAD.LY
Every day, our team of experts evaluates several items from popular brands. Our curators select only those items for FAD.LY that are discounted, and have great value.
Can I recommend products for FAD.LY to offer?
Absolutely! Feel free to chat with us using the "Contact Support" button at the bottom of the page. Let us know how we can better serve you!
Is this a free service?
Yes, we do not charge anything for you to use our service. We discover great products for you to purchase, without incurring any additional cost to you. We do, however, reserve the right to limit or remove access to any user for any reason.
Can I order by phone or chat?
To help keep our prices low, all purchases can only be made through our website.
Can I cancel my order?
Usually yes, but it depends on two factors:
- Where the item has been sourced from. Some items are final sale.
- How long it has been since you have placed the order. If the item has already shipped, a cancellation is not possible.
You should refer to the confirmation email, as it will usually indicate the cancellation/return policy.
How do I return my purchase?
It will differ based on where the item was sourced from. Refer to the confirmation emails you receive, as it will usually indicate the cancellation/return policy. If you have difficulty with this, feel free to chat with FAD.LY support using the "Contact Support" chat window at the bottom of the page.
Which payment methods do you support?
Visa, American Express, Mastercard, and Discover.
Where is the "CVV" number located on my credit card?
On Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards, the three-digit CVV number is printed on the signature panel on the back of the card immediately after the card's account number. On American Express cards, the four-digit CVV number is printed on the front of the card above the card account number.
Is it safe to use my credit card to make purchases on FAD.LY?
FAD.LY uses up-to-date, safe, secure technology to ensure that your personal credit-card information is not compromised. Protecting the safety of your credit card information is extremely important to us. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to help protect the security of your credit card information as it is transmitted to us. SSL is a highly sophisticated method of scrambling data as it travels from your computer to our Website's servers.
When will my credit card be charged?
Your credit card will be charged when you click on the "Place Order" button at the time of purchase. Please click on the "Place Order" button only once.
What is Varinode Vault?
It is a trusted secure wallet we use to store your saved payment information. If you login to your account that has saved payment information, future purchases will be easier, and much faster.
Will I be charged sales tax?
The sales tax quoted at checkout is based on the shipping address you provide. The amount includes both state and local taxes, where applicable.
How long will it take for my order to ship?
It will vary based on where the item is sourced from, and also on the shipping speed that you choose. Usually, it will ship within two to 10 days, depending on your location.
Can I have my purchase shipped internationally?
At this time, FAD.LY and its fulfillment sources can ship items only within the continental United States.
How much does shipping cost?
It depends on where the item is sourced from, and which shipping option you choose. Typically, we like to feature items that have free shipping.